There are many people that are presently going through tough times right now in our own back yard, Please do not forget those less fortunate friends of the parish. The Saint Vincent de Paul boxes are located at the East and West Door entrances. Saint Vincent de Paul would like to thank all of those parishioners that have been so very generous to those in need. We all work together to give shape to a more just and compassionate society.

Do you have a vehicle you no longer need that's taking up space in your garage or driveway? Consider donating it to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Your vehicle donation helps fund local programs that will help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul serve local neighbors in need. These programs can include housing and rent assistance, utilities, food, disaster relief, job training and more. No work of charity is foreign to the Society - Vincentian volunteers provide help and hope, faith and friendship in myriad ways all across the country, including in your neighborhood.
All vehicles are considered, even if they're no longer running! We accept most cars, trucks, trailers, boats, RVs, motorcycles, campers, off-road vehicles, heavy equipment, and other motorized vehicles. We'll even help tow away your unused vehicles! To learn more about donating to our CARS program, contact Nathan Martin, National Director of Fundraising Programs at 314-576-3993 (ext: 218) or visit the website.

The most blessed Rosalie Rendu who was a Daughter of Charity serving 54 years in the Mouffetard area (the most impoverished district of Paris). Emmanuel Bailly, the President of the Society, who sent the founding members of the Society to Sister Rosalie for guidance and direction. Her zeal for helping the poor drove her to educate poor children, care for infants, support the elderly and supervise young working girls. One disciple in her mission of service was Frederic Ozanam, founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Sister Rosalie formed founders in the spirit of St. Vincent, teaching them how to serve the poor with respect and compassion. Blessed Rosalie Rendu died on February 7, 1856 and was beatified by Pope Joh Paul II in 2003.
The Society's logo consists of three hands. The top hand, the hand of Christ, blesses the cup. The middle hand is the hand of love which offers the cup. The bottom hand is the hand of suffering which receives the cup.

Our Florida is a program of the Department of Children and Families that provides renters who qualify, with relief on unpaid rent and utility bills, and supports landlords and utilities with relief on lost revenue to support their continued recovery. It is provided by the Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program.
To qualify for the assistance, households must be at or below 80% of the area median income and have qualified for unemployment, have had a loss of income, faced financial hardship as a result of the pandemic and are at risk of becoming homeless. Renters with incomes at or below 50% of the area median income will be prioritized, along with families who have experienced unemployment in the last 90 days.
Households can receive up to $2,000 each month, with a maximum total payment being $15,000. The amount a household receives will be based on the applicant's current lease, or proof of payment history if there is no lease. To apply online, click here or call 833-493-0594.