Discover the amazing possibilities that are yours when faith becomes an integral part of your daily life!
Catholic LIFE (Living In Faith Everyday) is the presence of your Church on campus in a welcoming and supportive community of friends to share the college experience with. A space to connect with fellow students to share and grow together in faith and service while enjoying fun activities as we build meaningful lasting friendships that feel more like family!
Conveniently located within walking distance of the South Florida Education Center (SFEC), we serve students from all SFEC colleges, including Nova Southeastern University, where we are officially established as a student organization. We offer...
On and off campus group gatherings to pray, grow or simply have fun together.
Opportunities to attend Mass, Adoration and church events as a group or friends you make in the group
Parish and community service opportunities
Opportunities to represent our group at school events, or simply attend together for fun
Retreats and Pilgrimages
Leadership growth opportunities
Text group chats to keep connected in between meetings
Individual spiritual support, mentorship and guidance
And more!
Our Events...

To join us or for more information, contact the parish office or email mvargas@saintdavid.org
Contact us to ensure you receive the most up to date information
If you are already 20 or over, you may also find more events of interest via our YAM (Young Adult Ministry) page here
We'd love to hear from you!

Our chats and social media pages
are under reconstruction.
Check back soon, and
meanwhile email us to receive
our newsletter
Become a prayer partner
If you are a registered Saint David parishioner beyond college age, consider becoming a prayer partner as
a beautiful way to become 'involved' in our Campus Ministry by committing to pray for our students and ministry!
Are you a Catholic LIFE Parent, Alumni ?
We would love to hear from you too!