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"The Legion of Mary is a mighty legion of brave and valiant soldiers of Jesus and Mary, of both sexes, to fight the devil, the world, and corrupt nature in those more than ever perilous times, that are to come!"
                                  (As prophesied by St. Louis Marie de Montfort)

The Legion of Mary is the true evangelization.  It was founded in Dublin, Ireland on September 7, 1921.  This year the Legion of Mary celebrated the 102nd Anniversary. It is the largest lay apostolate in the Catholic Church.  There are members in every country in the world.  The Legion of Mary was approved by six popes including Saint John XXIII and St. John Paul II.  It was endorsed by the Second Vatican Council. 

The Legion of Mary is a school for saints, and we are all called to be saints.  It keeps members young in spirit and body.  It saves souls!

Saint David Legion of Mary, named "Mary Tower of David,"  was founded on September 8, 2007.  This year marks the Sixteenth Anniversary.  Our Blessed Mother is the Spirit of the Legion!


Mary, Tower of David, pray for us!

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Cornerstone of the Legion of Mary Apostolic Work

Blessed Mother Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and is Jesus' first disciple and first evangelizer.  Therefore, "the world is to be conquered by the Holy Spirit acting through Mary and her children" to bring souls in closer union with Jesus Christ.  (Legion of Mary Handbook)

The Three C's

Conversion seeks to locate the unchurched and invite them to inquire of our great faith.

Conservation seeks to find fallen away Catholics and invite them to return to the Church.

Consolation seeks to maintain a caring and affectionate connection with the Church's homebound, sick and infirm members.


Would you like to become a member of the Legion of Mary?  There are two types of membership:

Active Members : attend the weekly meetings for prayer, planning and discussion.  Complete two hours of Apostolic work with a partner weekly.  Pray the short Catena Legionis prayer daily.

Auxiliary Members: pray the Rosary and the Legion Tessera prayers every day.

Contact Gabby Espana at 845-770-8012 or come to a meeting on Friday's at 10am in the Parish Hall, room 201 for more information.

To Jesus through Mary!

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3900 South University Dr

Davie, FL 33328

Phone: 954-475-8046

Fax: (954) 370-0819 

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