WELCOME TO CCD 2024-2025
Classes will begin on Tuesday September 17, 2024. We look forward to a very fruitful year with the CCD students. If you have any questions or your child will be absent for class please call the Church Office at 954-475-8046. Thank you

Saint David Religious Education Department
First Grade– Eighth Grade
Saint David Catholic Parish welcomes you to the Religious Education Program for students in grades First through Eighth Grade. The goal of our program is to explore our Catholic faith, learn about the life and teachings of Jesus and celebrate the liturgical year. We offer sacramental preparation for those eligible for Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation.
We welcome the opportunity to talk with you about the program and to answer any questions you may have. You can call the Parish Office at 954-475-8046.
Religious Education Staff
CCD Coordinator
Char-Lea Gutierrez (954) 475-1521
Administrative Assistant
Paula MacGraw (954) 475-1521
Office Hours
The Religious Education office is located in the Saint David Catholic School building on the Southwest corner of the first floor across from the School Office. The office is open on Tuesday's from 3:00PM - 8:00PM during the school year. During the summer, please contact the church office at 954-475-8046.

Phone: 954-475-1521 * Fax: 954-370-0819 * CCD@saintdavid.org